Holy Communion Practices



 Our Lord Jesus invites all baptized Christians to receive Holy Communion. 

 We believe that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine.  We believe that Jesus gave his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins and strength for holy living.  Holy Communion is a celebration of God’s love.  We give thanks that Jesus comes to us, hidden in the bread and wine.

Please prepare yourself with prayers of self-examination, confession of your sins, and thanksgiving for God’s promises.

Anyone who is not receiving Holy Communion is invited to receive a blessing. 

 We have rice wafers if you cannot eat wheat.  If you are unable to drink wine, just take the wafer only.  You are still receiving both the body and the blood of Jesus.

Please come to the front of the sanctuary to receive Holy Communion or a blessing.  Come up the center aisle to the pastor.  You may pick up the wafer yourself.  Then get a cup from the tray.  The wine will be poured into the cup.